Between education and the work floor.

Goal-oriented nursing staff development

The practice-oriented learning environment within the Frenetti Online platform aims to accelerate learning, development and professionalization in practice. This is due to the increasing shortages of sufficiently trained healthcare professionals and the prevention of early drop-out or leave out of job. Time is precious for healthcare professionals, such as for the large group of nurses. Frenetti Online supports in unburdening where possible. That saves time. Mismatch between expertise level, workload and quality of the work-learning environment can be quickly addressed within the Frenetti Online learning environment to close gaps. There are two types of learning environments: at individual and team level.

Continuous professional development in the workplace

Due to the increasing shortages of professionals and increasing quality requirements, it is important for the future of organizations to focus on creating a balance between the work system, work that has to be done, and the learning system in which learning in the workplace is central for continuous professional development. Integrate learning with work to be done and focus on what is most urgent, working for continuous professional development at the individual, team, and organizational level. It is essential to purposefully monitor and work on favorable learning conditions.

The professionalism scan supports the development and ambition of the individual nurse and the team, together on the road to future-proof nurses. 
— M. Driessens, Senior Staff officer, Program manager Floor, Medical Center Leeuwarden.
Nursing Development

‘We use this for the self-evaluation of nurses. What is their current level, and what competencies do they want to develop? The scan allows them to have a more goal-oriented development meeting with their team manager. And the team manager gets an overview of where his or her team is,’ says E. Veenendaal, clinic manager at Meander Medical Center in Amersfoort. [...] ‘You hear from nurses that it is nice that there is room for personal development.’ ‘Departments can recruit more specifically with the results of the scans, but that is in the ideal situation. We are now happy if there are enough applicants.”

Frisian project group

Last year, four Frisian hospitals jointly purchased the assessment methods in the context of the nursing developments 2020 project. [...] More attention is paid to the professional in-depth. Nurses are discussing this. [...] ‘You create a climate for change’, says Driessens.
— This is a summary from an article about Frenetti published by Zorgvisie on October 19, 2018. This adaptation of the article is with permission from Zorgvisie.

Nurse professional development at individual level

Within the Professional Dashboard, healthcare professionals and students can create an individual, personalized learning plan for each type of assessment with step-by-step learning activities to achieve goals. Internal and external resources or training activities can be included in the personalized learning plan.

I have never thought about my profession in such detail.
— Nurse, 60 years

Nursing staff development at team level

The care department or training institute can draw up work-context-related standard plans for learning, development and professionalization. Build a library of generic and specific plans for each type of assessment, including step-by-step learning activities. Connect the learning content from your own Learning Management System, training or other sources. You can do this from the Management Dashboard. The healthcare professional or student sees the work context-related plans and learning activities within his/her Professional Dashboard to get started with an appropriate learning plan.

The results of the Frenetti professionalism scan at hospital level provide a clear insight into which competencies nurses feel competent and less competent.
— Dr. M. van der Cingel, Lector, NHL Stenden Hogeschool/ Medical Centre Leeuwarden (2022)

Figure 1. Frenetti’s ‘Habit Loop’ for Lifelong Learning is inspired by, and an elaboration of the ‘Habit Loops’ as described by Duhigg in the book “The power of habit: why we do what we do in life and business” (2014).

Continuous learning, development, and professionalization

The learning section of the Frenetti platform is provided through the integration of Curriculum and Learning Activities to acquire competencies and skills. For continuous learning, development, and professionalization - Lifelong Learning - it is necessary to make it a habit. The Professionalism assessment and ‘Habit Loop’ as a basis with the 7 Step method of Frenetti can help with this. The reward is the acquisition and achievement of competences and skills based on ‘Where am I?’ and ‘Where do I want to go?’. We call this the ‘Habit Loop’ for Lifelong Learning. (See Figure 1)

Learning environment at individual, team and organizational level

Professionals and students can create Learning plans and set them to ‘Shared Learning plans’. This means that the individual Learning plans are visible at the team and organizational levels. The overview of ‘Shared Curriculums’ within the Management Dashboard makes it possible to facilitate learning, development, and professionalization at an individual, team, and organizational level. In this way, from this overview, one can see whether suitable learning activities, learning materials, and workplace learning forms are available. A learning house, learning department, or educational training institute is often involved in this in order to create goal-oriented development and training programs as a tailor-made solution.

How can you make a professionalization plan?

The Professionalism Scan for nurses and care givers (Vasse, 2015) is an instrument to measure and improve the professionalism, knowledge, and skills of individual nurses in a team or institution, also in the field of clinical reasoning. The scan is a digital questionnaire. It is built in a skill hierarchy from beginner to expert. You complete this questionnaire on a voluntary basis by means of self-evaluation. The list for nurses contains 96 questions, which are based on the BIG Act, the professional profile of the nursing bachelor 2020, and the CanMEDS roles. The nurses create an account on the Frenetti Measurement, Learning, and Optimization platform. In the Professional Dashboard, nurses can make the Assessment, and view the results and the performance profile. This often results in a development meeting and/or team workshops to formulate team objectives. The results of this can be included in a curriculum for the advancement of expertise within a set period. There is a reading guide on the support page, and there are videos for support. It also becomes clear in the learning network who can help whom in the team and/or outside it. The results of the professionalism scan show the qualities and learning points of the team and institution. In the learning network, it appears that everyone has their strengths. This stimulates and motivates enormously. With a curriculum, every nurse in the team and institution can be given the opportunity to continue to develop and professionalize according to their own needs.
— Van Straalen & Schuurmans (2020, p. 160-161). Book.