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Frenetti works with a subscription model. Here you can find ‘Choose your plan’ with the variety of features.
Essential plan
The assessments that are currently available in our library. Also named as ‘Frenettiscans’ as a collective noun.
1) The Professionalism Performance assessment is an assessment covering the broad scope of the profession with which a professional has to deal with for capacity management and professional/student development purpose. There is a professionalism assessment tailored to the target group per professional group.
2) The Workload assessment measures the workload of which the professional and the team have to deal with. In combination with the Professional Performance assessment, the scores of this assessment can be brought together and, among other things, used for steering the capacity skills mix per team and organization-wide for capacity planning and professional/student development purposes.
3) This work-learning environment assessment measures the work-learning environment in a team at the workplace. It includes questions where the perspective of the employee or student in the work-learning environment is asked for improvement where necessary.
Measurement periods
This means that an assessment can be created with a new measurement period name. In this case, the professional or student answers all the questions again to compare, monitor and take targeted action for improvement and professionalization. Measurement periods can be created on request by the customer. Also, the effect of education and workplace learning can be measured.
Pro plan
Capacity management can take place on the Frenetti platform based on capacity per team/department based on skills mix from beginner to expert level and measuring the gap related to the criteria settings for the most optimal team skills mix. The criteria settings are based on the degree of complexity of care and workload per type of department. Also, nurse – patient ratio related to skills levels can be monitored. This feature can be used to have an overview of the capacity per nursing team/department for mobility, exchange of nurses or recruitment purposes, besides targeted professional development based on needs. Moreover it can be used for patient safety and quality purposes.
This Pro plan is including the features of the Essential plan.
Master plan
On the Frenetti platform, there is an learning environment to facilitate and support continuous learning, development, and professionalization. There are two types of learning environments.
1) With the ‘personalized’ learning environment the professional/student can create within their Professional/Student Dashboard personal learning plans and learning activities with links to a variety of resources. The personalized learning plan can be linked to the Professionalism Performance Assessment and/or Work-learning Environment Assessment of a certain measurement period to work on their goals. The professional/student can share their ‘personalized’ learning plan, that it can be viewed in the Administrator/Management Dashboard.
2) From the Administrator/Management Dashboard (standard/recurrent) ‘work context’ related learning plans can be created about certain topics for learning, development and professionalization with appropriate learning activities to achieve goals. Within the learning activity system learning activities can be linked to a variety of resources which are available as instructional material/information/courses etc. Professionals/Students can find the ‘work context’ related learning plans library in their dashboard. ‘Work context’ related learning plans can be connected to the Professionalism Performance Assessment, Work-learning Environment Assessment and Workload Assessment to close gaps.
This Master plan is including the features of the Essential and Pro plan.