We holistically predict, guide and advice you to make your workplace more efficient.

Professional Dashboard

Continuous learning, development, and professionalization

The professional or student can find the assigned assessment(s) within the Professional Dashboard. It is possible to update the scores at any time in the current measurement period so that there is always an up-to-date picture of the situation, goals, and reference criteria. This is for the purpose of monitoring one’s own continuous professional development, measuring the effect of learning activities undertaken, and capacity and strategic personnel planning.

Control over your own development

With the Frenetti assessments as a needs assessment, it is possible for professionals and students to do a needs analysis. The reporting of the data provided by the professional shows where goals and potential lie for continued development. The professional or student can then use this to draw up a learning plan with a SMART formulated goal. Whole and partial tasks can be linked to specific items from the assessments. The learning activities from the Learning Environment of the Frenetti platform can be used in combination with existing systems and goals within a group or organization.

Curriculum Library

Develop a library of the most common professional tasks and activities (Entrustable Professional Activities) with appropriate learning activities. If a person wishes, they can select Learning Plans from the library that are currently appropriate for developing their level of performance and ability. It is possible to integrate an education or training program in this way.

Management Dashboard

Monitor, adjust, plan and take action

This is a different type of dashboard than the professional or student uses. The healthcare organization determines who has access to the Management Dashboard and which departments or teams can be viewed. This makes it possible to monitor the progress of individual professionals or students, but also at the team or organizational level. You can analyze and discuss the results and then take action. In addition, it is visible who can help whom so that professionals can support each other in a goal-oriented manner.

Up-to-date data from the workplace at the individual, team, and organizational level

The current data can be used during the progress or development evaluation with an employee. Action can then be taken on the basis of the ambition, potential, and need for development. You can also choose to view these results at the team level in order to determine what is urgent to develop within the department or team.

Measurement periods for the effect measurement of interventions

 By using different measurement periods, it is possible to measure the effectiveness of implemented interventions (education, training, and workplace learning activities). Even cross-departmental progress can be tracked and compared in the Management Dashboard to identify best practices and share experiences. The flexible deployment of professionals across departments or teams can also be considered here in order to create a better or optimal capacity mix. This ultimately ensures a higher quality of care, reduced absenteeism, and optimal use of the professional.