Empowering all professionals, so we can care and cure better together

Identifying vulnerable groups

Three factors that can lead to dropout, burnout or leave

The Frenetti platform as a measurement, learning, and optimization system offers solutions for dealing with the current situation, problems, challenges, and ambitions within a team or organization. The three factors, skill level, workload, and work culture, can be favorable or unfavorable to the well-being of professionals to a greater or lesser extent. This includes the relationship between the degree of complexity of care and the level of performance. There may be a gap in between that is detrimental to the well-being of the professional. Up-to-date data entered by the professionals can form an essential part of business operations to continuously monitor these three factors together. This is to take timely action or make adjustments to protect and support the professional. In addition, you can also evaluate the data together and assess whether the interventions used have the intended effects.

Adverse conditions classified in risk zones

Classification of employees within an organization into risk zones can help identify vulnerable groups so that action can be taken to mitigate the impact of the zone in which individuals or groups are located. The hypothesis is that professionals and students belonging to a vulnerable group are more likely to leave the organization, transfer to another department, call in sick more frequently, develop burnout earlier, and have an increased chance of unintended and avoidable incidents in the workplace.

With the three types of Frenetti assessments, the level of performance of the individual professional can be used in relation to the level of care and the work-learning climate. These three factors, which represent capacity, workload, and culture, can be detrimental to an individual employee or a group and affect their well-being. Interventions can be targeted at each factor individually or in conjunction with each other.

Examples of themes related to burnout, high turnover and dropout when performance, workload or the quality of the work-learning environment is the cause.

  • Absenteeism, burnout and replacement staff

    Short or long absenteeism, such as burnout, causes discomfort for the employee. Failure and unavailability of one or more employees also have an impact on the other team members. The higher the percentage of absenteeism and other reasons for non-availability (leave, vacation, training) within a team, the higher the workload for the deployable employees. Training temporary replacement staff takes time and puts a workload on existing staff. Deployment of replacement staff is often done from other departments, a flex agency, or outside freelancers, whereby it is desirable to work with the same substitutes as much as possible. If replacement personnel is withdrawn from other departments or teams, this will increase the workload of teams from which employees are withdrawn.

    Intervention and result

    Prevent absenteeism and burnout by monitoring current data from the three Frenetti Assessments. The capacity, workload, and culture can be detrimental to the well-being of an individual employee or a group. By classifying employees into risk groups, goal-oriented action can be taken. Ensure the right match between skill level and workload, whereby professionals are given sufficient challenge on the one hand and do not have to constantly overperform on the other. It is also possible to identify appropriate reintegration and structure of tasks and activities with the data. With this, temporary or long-term replacement staff, to compensate for outages, can be reduced by focusing on retaining professionals with crucial skill levels within a department or organization. Another possibility is to focus the recruitment and selection process on where there is a shortage in the capacity mix.

  • Early leave and high turnover

    The current situation shows that there is a high turnover of professionals, resulting in frequent changes in team composition, unstable team performance, and an unfavorable capacity mix. The result is that insufficient qualified personnel are left behind to train new employees, and that specific organizational knowledge and skills disappear with the departure of professionals. New or temporary employees need to be trained and need more time to complete tasks, which means that tasks and activities are not completed. High turnover creates an additional workload for team members and can lead to frequent absenteeism, burnout, workplace incidents, etc.

    Intervention and result

    Prevent early departures by identifying risk groups with the current data outcomes of the three different Frenetti assessments. The hypothesis is that professionals and students who belong to a vulnerable group are more likely to leave the organization, transfer to another department, call in sick more often, have a higher risk of burnout, and increase the risk of avoidable incidents in the workplace. Prevent this by matching the skill level with the workload and ensuring a favorable work-learning climate. It is also possible to ensure appropriate reintegration and structure of tasks and activities. Relevant and goal-oriented training is needed so that a team quickly returns to the staffing standard or reference criteria regarding skill mix. Temporary or long-term replacement staff can be reduced by focusing on retaining professionals with crucial skill levels within a department or organization.

  • Early dropout of students

    Students who learn on the job are increasingly under pressure because of increasing labor market shortages. Teams are often not complete, not in number, and not in skill levels. At the same time, due to the aging population and technological developments, there is an increasing number of care recipients and an increasing complexity of care. The percentage of students dropping out early is high, and there is a shortage of suitable internships. Students can find themselves in a vicious circle of uncertainty and fear of failure. The quality of the internship, the supervision or coaching, and the didactics or work-learning culture can influence this. A negative situation takes up emotional space, which can have a negative effect on learning, development, and professionalization. This can cause premature failure.

    Intervention and results

    Prevent dropout of students or starting professionals by matching tasks and complexity of care with the current level of performance. By combining data from the different Frenetti assessments, it is possible to ensure that students or starting professionals stay in a favorable and powerful work-learning climate. Continuous monitoring is important to find the right match between skills and care level and make ongoing adjustments. This allows continuous professional development in the workplace that matches the ambition, potential, and importance of the individual, but also for the benefit of the supervisors and coaches. The Quick Reflective Practice (QRP) method helps optimize the learning process relation between supervisors or coaches and the student and monitor it for effectiveness.