Choose for Frenetti – where healthcare innovation is synonymous with cost savings, quality improvement and future-proof healthcare


Frenetti Assessment for Nurses’ Professional Performance with the new acronym ‘FAN’ also known as the Professionalism Assessment, Professionalism Scan and Frenetti-scan

The first manuscript about the FAN gives insight in the development, implementation and findings of this instrument in 22 hospitals and 2 rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands with 5.411 nurses. Data collected from 2016-2023. 

Why start with Frenetti?

Investing in Frenetti Online platform means giving attention and control to your healthcare professionals

1. Ambition: Our goal: a healthcare system where healthcare professionals not only excel in caring for others, but are also supported in self-care and well-being. Frenetti Online puts the focus on the healthcare professional, by providing them with the attention and tools they need to grow both personally and professionally.

2. Challenges in healthcare: Healthcare professionals often leave their jobs for three reasons: lack of career prospects, high workload and social insecurity. This leads to high replacement costs (approximately €50,000 per person) and significant losses (1% absenteeism costs €1 million).

3. Frenetti's solution: Frenetti Online focuses on these core problems through (career) development, workload relief and improving the work environment. This results in increased job satisfaction, reduced staff turnover, and reduced absenteeism. Our approach has been proven to be effective, with testimonials from healthcare professionals who have experienced significant improvements.

4. Result: Invest in Frenetti Online: a step towards sustainable care, higher productivity and substantial cost savings, with the healthcare professional in the leading role.

Less outflow of nurses with the help of the Frenettiscan- FAN.

"Since we have made a professionalization with (bachelor) nurses with the help of the *Frenettiscan,  the (bachelor) nurses experience more control, they show more leadership, they experience more job satisfaction, so there is less outflow." - Heleen Nap, Teammanager on the Oncology Unit, Projectleader Floor (nursing development) at Medical Centre Leeuwarden. MCL started in 2018.

A great result within the development-oriented program Floor in MCL. Started in 2018. For more information, please contact us. Marga Driessens (MCL) , Heleen van der Woude-Nap (MCL), Freda Vasse (Frenetti)

*Frenettiscan is a collective name given by hospitals for the Frenetti Professionalism Performance Assessment. FAN is the new acronym for this assessment for nurses.

Do you want to know more about the Frenetti solution?

Feel free to fill in this form and we will contact you to schedule a meeting or email us with your question to contact@frenetti.com.

Challenges in healthcare

There is an extensive demand for care, and the complexity of care is increasing due to technological developments. At the same time, there is a shortage of skilled and qualified professionals. In times of scarcity, the urgency increases to shorten the learning time, while maintaining quality. Teams are also constantly changing. What is the most optimal team mix to deliver the requested care?

The Frenetti Online platform

Gain insight into all professionals' current situation and goals and continue to monitor with the Measurement, Learning, and Optimization system. The data and results entered by professionals can be used continuously and at any time. To be able to steer on actual data, it is important to update the scores as soon as the situation changes. Watch the introduction video of the Management Dashboard here.

Purposefully solving

With the data provided by professionals, it is possible to analyze and discuss the actual situation and goals and then take purposeful action. What deserves attention right now, and what can wait? Identify vulnerable groups for the benefit of well-being, job satisfaction, and work atmosphere. Prevent early departure and absenteeism.

Download here the General Guidance of Frenetti.

What’s in it for you?


More control and retention


Aim for 10% more retention of healthcare professionals in 2024, 2025 and 2026 compared to 2023. Investing in healthcare workers that you have is the right, sustainable, and cheaper choice. Replacing 1 FTE costs between 30,000 and 50,000 euros! Results of the Professionalism Assessment as a Needs Assessment and Assessment for Learning increase control, job satisfaction, and challenge and reduce healthcare professionals' outflow.


Less overburden


When using the Complexity of Care assessment, you will get an overview of the healthcare professionals and where there is a gap between performance level and workload. Experience shows this is the case for about 10% of healthcare professionals. With this data, you can prevent overexploitation due to a mismatch between skill / expertise level versus workload that can cause failure or burnout.


No unnecessary training and education


The reports indicate the current level of each healthcare professional in each aspect of his or her performance level. As a result, unnecessary training and education are a thing of the past. Of course, there are trainings, courses or education that fit in with achieving the improvement goals set by the healthcare organization and education.

“I’ve never thought so much about my professionalism before.”

— Nurse

What our customers say

  • "Freneti scan helps. The Haga Hospital works with development gardens and think tanks in the nursing departments. The other departments will follow later. Teams starting run the Freneti scan; a self-test that provides insight into competencies, qualities, and ambition. That is the basis for the conversation with the manager: what do you want, what are the possibilities, how can we realize them."

    Source: Website VenVN

  • "The completed professionalism scans show that there is a great need for training among nurses. That is why Isala allocates four years for a development program. A development program for nurses individually, but also for departments. The themes are: health, quality and safety, professional action and the nursing process. The development program is cross-disciplinary [...]."

    Source: https://www.isala.nl/academie/over-de-academie/kennis-en-expertise/verpleegkundigen-nieuwe-stijl/

    Read the article: “ISALA: SAMEN DE BESTE ZORG GEVEN” in TVZ - Verpleegkunde in praktijk en wetenschap.

  • "Extremely useful tool to map nursing abilities, professionalism of the team as well as team effectiveness. Great tool for individual nursing professionals, department heads and managers." (2016)

    — M. Schouten, Manager Jeroen Bosch Academie

  • "In Máxima MC we have been using the Frenetti professionalism (self)scan since 2016 and we will continue to do so in the coming years. It provides our nurses and their managers with more insight into the competencies they have, use and want to develop in the workplace. In this way, it gives substance to the development conversation that is held between manager and nurse. It also provides a good insight into where there is ambition and further development at team level. Based on this, we are working on the development of the nurses in our hospital at an individual level and at the team level."

    — N. Baselmans-Lemckert, Projectleider Raad van Bestuur (2021)

  • "We use this for nurses' self-assessment. Where do they stand and what competencies do they want to develop further. The scan allows them to have a more targeted development conversation with their team manager. And the team manager gets an overview of where his or her team stands." [...] You hear from nurses that it is nice that there is room for personal development."

    — E. Veenendaal, Manager Kliniek (2018)

  • "The professionalism scan supports the development and ambition of the individual nurse and the team, together on the road to future-proof nurses."

    — M. Driessens, Senior Staffunctionaris (2021)

  • "Tjongerschans has traditionally been a hospital with many MBO nurses. In recent years, we have focused on a mix of MBO and HBO graduates. You can now focus more on that."

    — G. van Buiten, Sector Manager (2018)

  • "The Nursing Professionalism Assessment has resulted in:

    - Insight into knowledge, competencies and attitude of nursing professionals at individual and team level,

    - A point of view of a nursing professional himself and how do the ambition of professionals and their organization fit together,- Insight into the relationship of team performance and intensity of care,

    - Nice improvement plan per individual professional, but also connected to team learning,

     - Extensive 'brackets' for an objective conversation between nurse professional and manager,

    - A 360° view of what is going well and what can be improved. Gets the team on the same page about the team priorities,

    - Overall awareness among nurses but also among executives/managers. A very valuable tool for personal and team growth, and for organizational development."

    — L. Mulder, Manager afdeling Chirurgische Zorg (2017)

  • "With this instrument, we are entering a new phase at our company and that was necessary."

    — A. Huizenga, bestuursvoorzitter (2015)

“The results of the Frenetti professionalism scan at hospital level provide a clear insight into which competencies nurses feel competent and less competent."

— Dr. M. van der Cingel, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences / Medical Center Leeuwarden (2022)

The Frenetti Assessments

Gain insight: 'What is my actual expertise level?' and 'What is my goal?'


Use current data and use data technology.

The Frenetti Platform involves data entered by professionals and students. They indicate what their level is and what their goal is. By learning to read and interpret the data, you will learn how to use it in decision-making and determine where to take action.

Results can be viewed at individual, team, and organizational levels to determine where it is necessary to learn, develop and professionalize. Find out if there is a gap between the actual and desired situation. Do this in consultation with each other to set the right direction. Watch the introduction video of the Professional Dashboard here

“I realized there were a lot of things we never learned in school.”
— Nurse, 22 years

Building teams and strategic workforce planning

The Frenetti platform is a unique way to make teams work as optimally as possible. If the team composition is less and less optimal, there may not be enough qualified staff to provide the care. This can lead to a vicious cycle. Analyze whether the actual capacity mixi, planning, and scheduling method produces the desired result. Assess whether shortages are caused by, for example, dropouts among professionals, a shortage of expertise and skills, job mix, and to what extent. Monitor trends, identify patterns, and take timely action.

"You can take into account the existing competencies in the shift schedules and you can now see better what the mix of education and skills is." - G. van Buiten, Sector Manager, Tjongerschans Hospital (2018)

Frenetti’s three step plan

  • The focus is on strength-weakness analysis, expertise promotion and professionalization.

    This step focuses on individual annual or development discussions and team development. Gain quick and targeted insight into 'What is your actual expertise/performance level?' and 'What is your goal?' at individual, team, and organizational levels. By working with different measurement periods, an effect and impact measurement can be made, and whether interventions have the intended result can be assessed.

    Lead time: 3 - 6 months

  • The focus is increasing job satisfaction, atmosphere, well-being, and professional development through shared strategic decision-making.

    Identify which critical indicators to use for improvement related to capacity management and strategic training. Use data technology to set goals and take purposeful actions. Do what is important and urgent, and leave behind what wastes time, cost, and energy.

    Lead time: 9 – 12 months

  • The focus is on learning organization and knowledge sharing.

    In the context of labor market shortages, it is important to reduce apprenticeship time without compromising the quality of training and education. Link strategic workforce planning and capacity management to Learning & Development. Within the learning environment on the Frenetti platform, a connection can be made with your learning content.

    Lead time: annual subscription


Choose your plan

Frenetti works with a subscription model. Here you can find at the right side ‘Choose your plan’ with the variety of features.

There are two types of Frenetti Online platforms:

  • Management Dashboard. Short name ‘MD’

  • Professional Dashboard. Short name ‘PD’

Per type of dashboard you can choose for an Essential, Pro or Master plan.

Evolution of Frenetti

Frenetti was founded in 2013 by Freda Vasse, an experienced professional who has had a 23-year career at the Academic Medical Center - VU in Amsterdam, from a specialized nurse in the pediatric ICU, to a practice trainer, and care innovator, to educational and versatile advisor.

More than ten years ago, she started within Frenetti with the development and scientific validation of the Frenetti Measuring Instruments, including the well-known Professionalism Scan for nurses and caregivers working in various roles, functions, and work contexts. In 2018, the software company was established to establish the Frenetti Online platform as a versatile measurement, learning, and optimization system. This platform has been developed with the Frenetti team and with other partners.

For universally applicable Frenetti measuring instruments, it is important to continue working on scientific substantiation, hypothesis tests, and possible explanations of findings. To ensure this, Freda conducts research as a PhD student in collaboration with the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) and the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU). Her PhD team consists of  Prof. dr. Evelyn Finnema (1st supervisor, UMCG), Prof. dr. Marieke van der Schaaf (2nd supervisor, UMCU) and Dr. Wim Krijnen (co-supervisor, UMCG).

As part of the PhD program, Freda initiates international research to encompass a broader context and diverse perspectives. This enables us to tackle globally relevant issues within the nursing and caring profession. We are delighted to share our knowledge and expertise and collaborate with international partners, with the aim of improving healthcare on a global level.